i've had this Live Journal for a really long time and it basically chronicles the last 6 years of my life... but so much has happened i really feel like i need to start fresh. there's just so much here that i need to leave behind to truly get over. so that being said i'm moving on... you should too..Leave a comment
- more tattoos - a raise - to not miss my friends.. i want to be near them back in nj! - to be with someone who is completely compatible with me.. i want effortless, selfless, hopless, passionate love!
so i finally got a new mac book..... loves it! and the best part is i transfered all my apps, music , and photos from my ibook over to this one!!! thank god for firewire
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my heart aches for him because i know how he feels... and if he let me i would have loved him forever.. i'm sure i will but i can't hold a torch for someone who spits on the flame...