Growing up sucks Im going to devildriver tonight Getting slammed out of my mind with my boyfriend Working alot Last month was kennys 21st b-day I miss him alot I thought about him alot Even more so due to a mess Started by my other half I'm working on so >goals< Lets see how this ends up..
Lacking much? I make people stand on their toes Like one of my dogs convulsing in my cage regret is an emotion iv become found of for all the wrong reasons
Errr My day off didnt seem like a day off I didnt get to sleep in (my body wouldnt let me) I stalked some kid =| He started it I think i know who he is I will find out shortly Hah i asked a girl if someone was ever gonna push her back into the ocean hahaha nasty satan is a pain in the ass as always He ruined my day off like the jerk he is
im am so fucking tired I have to clean my room still what a bitch i loaned satan my x box so im gonna hang out so i can get it back in 1 piece I dont want to work tomarrow but i will because im a money hungry bitch
Well i went to kennys memorial it was sad i went with meg n kev havent seen her in forever Looked at his box left before that i went and got a tat this is it