Title: Guilt
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa, also eventual hints of Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh
Rating: R (some chapters NC-17)
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not mine. No matter how much I sometimes wish it was.
Spoilers: Better say everything through s2, just to be sure. Begins pre-S1.
Summary: Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you. - Basically this fic is one huge 'what if' situation... you'll have to read to find out more!
Warnings: The working title of this fic was angst!epic, so you can probably gather from that that things are going to be pretty dark at points.
Thanks to: My beta
cazmalfoy for all her wonderful work, and my cheerleaders
angelzbabe1989 and
piper08 for putting up with me when I whine about being stuck.
Previous Chapter (One) Chapter Two
Quietly closing the door behind him, Ianto quickly checked the readings from the various pieces of equipment keeping his girlfriend alive, replacing the bags on the drips that provided her with nutrients and medication.
Lisa was rarely awake these days, the combination of painkillers and mild sedatives keeping her comfortable but perpetually drowsy. He hated keeping her this way, but the painkillers alone would not be enough. He’d seen the constant pain in Lisa’s eyes before he had hit on the right combination of drugs.
“I got it, the job,” he started quietly, unsure if Lisa was awake enough to hear him, but needing to say it out loud. He’d grown used to the one-sided conversations in the last weeks, the machinery helping her breathe preventing her from speaking even when she was alert.
“I’m not sure if it was my coffee making or my dinosaur wrangling that impressed Captain Harkness, but I got it.”
He’d deliberately skipped the ‘flirt with Jack’ part of his plan when he’d outlined it to Lisa, finding himself unable to even suggest the subject. Given his own unexpected response to the man’s chiselled good looks and charm, he was even more reluctant to broach the topic.
“I start tomorrow,” he continued, shaking off the memory of laughing on top of Jack earlier that evening, the sexual tension between them thick in the air. “It might take a few days, but I’ll find somewhere, then we can get you out of here.”
He looked around at the dank storage unit. It was the best he could afford on what savings he had, but all in all pretty miserable. Getting Lisa into Torchwood had to be an improvement on this.
Mind skipping forward, he considered all he had to do in the next days. Everything he had been able to discover about the Cardiff base suggested that, despite the vast network of tunnels, vaults and archives, only a small area was actually in regular use. Being newly employed would give him plenty of excuse to explore, and he was sure he could find some out of the way room for Lisa.
Actually getting her there was a plan for another day, once he had a chance to scope out the inner workings of the base.
A small pang of dismay ran through him as he thought of the deception he was proposing. He didn’t enjoy practising dishonesty. His late teens had been a mess of lies, cons and petty theft, as he rebelled in the wake of the devastating loss of his father.
After he had been convicted, he had put that period of his life behind him, determined never again to descend into that murky world. Yet here he was, planning a mass of deception again. Although this time, he rationalised, it was all for a good cause.
It still niggled at him though, that kernel of guilt. He was rapidly becoming aware that he had more or less flirted his way into a job, and keeping a secret like Lisa could easily be perceived as a betrayal of what he hoped was a tentative friendship. It was the only way though.
This was Torchwood. An organisation that, for all its lofty mission statements, generally wasn’t all that accepting of anything different. Alien threats were there to be eliminated and their technology scavenged; whether they had ever really been a threat to start with was never a matter open for debate.
UNIT would have executed Lisa on the spot, and his experience with Torchwood suggested that they would do the same.
Every story he had ever heard about Jack Harkness that didn’t involve outrageous sexual exploits - however few and far between they may be - had told of his apparently legendary fights with those in command of Torchwood. It was generally accepted that he and Yvonne had never been on the best of terms.
Having met the man, Ianto didn’t think he seemed the type to indiscriminately execute anything vaguely resembling a threat, and his help would no doubt be invaluable. But…
Lisa shifted slightly beside him, a slight moan escaping her unconscious lips. Increasing the rate on her medication drip slightly, he gazed down at her wistfully.
Should he really risk Lisa’s life on a hunch? Could he live with himself if he failed?
Chapter Three