Guilt - 3/??

Dec 03, 2008 18:38

Title: Guilt
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa, also eventual hints of Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh
Rating: R (some chapters NC-17)
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not mine. No matter how much I sometimes wish it was.

Spoilers: Better say everything through s2, just to be sure. Begins pre-S1.
Summary: Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you. - Basically this fic is one huge 'what if' situation... you'll have to read to find out more!

Warnings: The working title of this fic was angst!epic, so you can probably gather from that that things are going to be pretty dark at points.

Thanks to: My beta cazmalfoy for all her wonderful work, and my cheerleaders angelzbabe1989 and piper08 for putting up with me when I whine about being stuck.

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Ianto looked at his watch again.


Jack hadn’t exactly given him a time, or a place, the previous night, so he had relied upon his intuition and turned up at 8 outside the tourist office. He knew there were other entrances, but having met Jack here before, this seemed like the logical choice.


However, as the minutes slowly ticked past, he was beginning to have his doubts. Was he too early? Too late? He was almost certain they would have CCTV coverage of this path, so if anyone was inside they should know he was here.


Taking a deep breath, he shoved his hands deep into the pockets of the dark suit he wore. Despite telling himself that he wasn’t affected by Jack’s opinion of his clothing, he had unconsciously reached for the suit this morning when dressing, Jack’s voice from the previous night echoing quietly in a corner of his mind.

Like the suit by the way.

He looked out over the bay as yet another minute ticked by.


Enjoying the view, he nearly didn’t notice when the door beside him finally creaked open, revealing a smirking Jack. Masking his nerves, he smiled back as he allowed himself to be ushered into what was supposed to pass as a tourist office.

A quick glance around told Ianto that the current team weren’t too particular about the authenticity of their cover office. What few leaflets there were looked out of date and a thin layer of dust was testament to the rarity of anyone actually sitting up here.

Ignoring the state of the office, Jack swept directly through an opening in the wall, obviously expecting Ianto to follow.

After a slightly uncomfortably silent trip down in an elevator, Ianto stepped through the opening left by a large cog door and took in his surroundings. Whilst intellectually he knew that the Cardiff base was significantly different to Torchwood Tower , he wasn’t quite prepared for quite how different. He could see Jack looking at him expectantly, waiting on some reaction. Taking a more thorough look around, Ianto inadvertently let his thoughts slip.

“It’s… a bit of a mess.”

Jack grinned ruefully. “You did offer your services as a butler.”

Ianto shot him a look. “And you said you didn’t need one.” Jack cocked his head, conceding the point.

Waving an arm expansively, Jack gestured towards a Japanese woman who spun around from her computer screen as he spoke.

“Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato. Toshiko is our resident computer genius.” Tosh smiled, nodding warmly at Ianto, who couldn’t help but smile back.

“And this,” Jack continued, spinning around to point out another dark haired woman, “is my second in command, Suzie Costello.” Suzie lifted an arm in greeting before turning back to the project in front of her. Thinking for a second, Ianto realised that he recognised the pair. They were the agents he had spotted scavenging tech from the ruins of Torchwood Tower while he had been doing the same.

“It’s barely eight o’clock, so Owen isn’t here yet. You’ll meet him later.”

When Jack offered no further introductions, Ianto inferred that he had already informed the team of his impending arrival. Jack had already taken several steps into the Hub when he turned back to offer Ianto a grin. “In the meantime, how about a little tour?”

Ianto’s mind presented him with a myriad of considerations as Jack showed him around the Hub. Keen eyes noted passageways that were ignored as they passed, shrouded in darkness and ideal for hiding a secret.

The neat freak in him despaired over the empty pizza boxes and disposable coffee cups scattered everywhere. Jack really had underestimated the state of the place. The abundance of coffee cups astounded him; especially considering the coffee machine he had spotted lurking under the dust in the small kitchen area. Jack had sighed when he pointed it out.

“None of us ever really figured out how to use it. I’m convinced there’s alien tech in there somewhere because it doesn’t work like any other coffee machine on the planet.”

Ianto had simply smiled, and put ‘Figure out coffee machine’ on his mental to-do list, right under, ‘Tidy this damn place up’.

The mood had been light-hearted and flirtatious throughout the tour, but Ianto sensed a distinct sobering in Jack’s countenance as they headed down to the vaults. They passed several Perspex-walled cells, Ianto noticing that several contained subdued Weevils.

Jack stopped outside one, gazing sadly at its occupant. “I hate keeping them like this,” Jack started suddenly after several minutes of silence. Ianto said nothing, content to listen. “I wish we could really do something for them, but we don’t even know where they came from.”

Jack sighed, “But we can’t just let them roam free around Cardiff, attacking indiscriminately. And I refuse to murder them if we don’t absolutely have to, so I guess we don’t really have another choice.” Shooting Ianto a sideways glance, Jack must have noticed something in the younger man’s face, as his expression grew concerned. “What is it?”

Ianto shook his head, his emotions conflicted.

“I can’t do this.”

Chapter Four

Comments are love!!

tw: ianto/lisa, tw: jack/ianto, rating: pg/pg-13, fandom: torchwood, fic: guilt, fanfic, length: 40000+, verse: guilt

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