Guilt - 9/??

Dec 23, 2008 20:51

Title: Guilt
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa, also eventual hints of Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh
Rating: R (some later chapters NC-17)
Disclaimer: Torchwood is not mine. No matter how much I sometimes wish it was.

Spoilers: Better say everything through s2, just to be sure. Begins pre-S1.
Summary: Owen and Suzie find out about Lisa

Thanks to: My beta cazmalfoy for all her wonderful work, and my cheerleaders angelzbabe1989 and piper08 for putting up with me when I whine about being stuck.

Author's Note: Going to be busy tomorrow, so posting tonight instead. Will try to get one more chapter out before the new year.

All comments and concrit welcomed!

Fic starts here

All previous chapters

Chapter Nine

Owen and Suzie reacted to the tale much as Jack had expected. Both had initially been shocked and dismayed and slightly worried at the revelation, their gazes flying to Ianto, who was once again allowing Jack to do the bulk of the storytelling.

Once the shock had worn off, Jack could see that Suzie was just itching to have the chance to examine the technology of the Cyber conversion unit more closely. She had been curious about the machines ever since the fall of Canary Wharf. But Jack had forbidden any research to be done, insisting instead that any intact units they came across when scavenging the tower should be destroyed. It struck him as slightly ironic that the one unit they missed - due to Ianto having taken it already - would now be brought to the Hub anyway.

Outwardly, Owen had very little reaction. To anyone who didn’t know him well, or who wasn’t familiar with his history, his cynical mask would appear to be uncracked. Jack knew him better than that, though, and could see that behind the sardonic façade, Owen sympathised with Ianto’s plight to save his girlfriend.

Whether Owen was looking forward to the medical challenges inherent in the pursuit would remain to be seen, but it was definitely something different, making a change from Owen’s usual tasks of autopsying the aliens too dangerous to save, researching a more effective weevil spray and patching up his fellow team members on a regular basis.

With the background explained and the results of that mornings visit shared, a momentary silence fell over the group as each considered the magnitude of the task they had ahead.

“We can’t leave her in that miserable storage unit, for a start,” Tosh began.

“I agree,” Jack nodded. “It’s no place for anyone to live if they don’t have to.”

Ianto sighed guiltily. “I…”

“Don’t blame yourself,” Jack interrupted. “You did what you could with what you had.”

“So we’re bringing her here?” Suzie asked, making eye contact with each of the team in turn.

“It makes the most sense,” Jack answered. “All of our equipment is here, and we can keep an eye on how she’s doing without major disruption.”

“But where? And how?” Owen questioned pointedly. “I doubt she’d want to be out there in the main floor, and the vaults wouldn’t be much better than a cheap storage unit.”

“We could clear out one of those rooms just into the corridor down to the archives,” Tosh suggested. “I don’t actually know what’s in them, but we’ve never needed anything from them, so anything worth keeping could be stored somewhere further into the archives.”

“It’s definitely a possibility.” Jack looked thoughtful. “There are a few other corners around this place that might be suitable too. We’ll need to investigate the various options.”

He steepled his fingers under his chin, elbows leaning on the boardroom table. “As for how, I’m thinking we’re gonna need a van. The SUV just isn’t going to be big enough.”

He caught Ianto’s eyes, noticing how brightly uneasiness was shining in their depths. “What is it, Ianto?”

“It’s just.” Ianto shook his head slightly. “It’s not that it’s a bad plan. I just… I just don’t feel right that we’re making all these decisions about Lisa’s future without even talking to her.” His voice cracked a little as he continued. “I know she won’t be able to reply, but I have to at least wake her up and talk to her about this.”

Despite the threat of tears in his choked voice, his gaze was steely as he looked around the team, almost daring them to disagree.

Although none of them could truly see any reason why Lisa should not be included in the decision process, the determination on Ianto’s face would have been enough to quell any argument any of them could come up with. It was clear that their newest colleague was a force to be reckoned with when it came to things he cared about.

Jack nodded once, his eyes flickering meaningfully at the medic. “Owen?”

“Sure,” Owen sighed, standing up from the table and heading to the medical bay.

* * * *

Jack and Owen leant against the wall of the storage unit, watching as Ianto perched on the stool next to Lisa’s head. Owen had switched her drip from Ianto’s concoction of painkillers and sedatives to a single dose of high strength painkillers about forty minutes ago, and it was just a waiting game for her to rouse.

A few minutes later, Ianto’s head lifted as Lisa stirred.


Her eyes fluttered open, finding his. Her expression betrayed her surprise and relief that she was awake and yet in minimal pain.

“Lisa, I have two people from Torchwood Cardiff here with me. We’re going to get you better.”

Chapter Ten

tw: ianto/lisa, tw: jack/ianto, rating: pg/pg-13, fandom: torchwood, fic: guilt, fanfic, length: 40000+, verse: guilt

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