I have been getting into the TV show Breaking Bad. It is relatively interesting. Although I am getting frustrated because now everyone is using drugs except for the teacher
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So, lately, I have been a tad depressed because of green technology. It appears we aren't making as much headway as this country would like. Solar technology has increased ten fold especially in china with a company called Suntech: SunTech and pluto cells Their website shows a direct comparison due to regular solar technology and their
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So, yeah, I went to my school adviser the other day. We made a schedule for the year and half to be able to go by as a guideline. It turns out, in about 2 years, i will be graduating! I am excited, that is if everything goes well
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It is funny to think of the world as just the United States. As I took and am taking anthropology, sociology, and global issues, I have been seeing the world in a much broader sense. The views and opinions of who is right and wrong are at a much severe case in Africa
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