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Comments 30
POLL: I still have one week of uni (two exams) left before my break begins... x_x But once I am on the break? Nothing much. I'll probably be lazy, watch SG-1 (borrowed the first season from a friend), see friends, sleep well, write a few SM-related RP entries every now and then, look after our friends' dog who'll spend the turn of the year with us, maybe even go to see a movie with a friend. Unless I fail some of my exams and need to retake them in January, I plan to dedicate the break to relaxing, the late year having been pretty stressful, educational-wise.
En re Poll: My break doesn't start until next week, but I'd love to spend it enjoying the post-Christmas joy. And RPing. Definately RPing.
So.... for Xmas break I'm visiting my mum and dad with my fiance, my sister and her boyfriend! And playing FFXII! And playing Gears of War of my brand spankin' new Xbox 360, yo!!!
Going home!! Woohoo!!
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