Dec 29, 2011 21:17
Costco trip tonight. I had every tattoo covered and enough people still stared that my mother noticed. Maybe I just dont get out in public enough or maybe I am just getting that strange looking. Or people just suck.
Things are still going. Infact theyre going great.
Me and my fat beast just do our thang.
Aug 21, 2010 21:40
Oh..... things are just... weird right now.
Jul 28, 2010 08:41
Well, I'm up.
Thanks 8am booty caller.
Fuck you.
Jul 24, 2010 21:01
Having a rough week
If Im not DOING something or blazed, I pretty much cant control the crying
not even any real reason why, nothing tragic has happened
things just suck
out of smoke, out of money, out of energy, out of love
whered you go summer fun?
Jul 20, 2010 22:36
I will probably be shaving my head tomorrow...
Jul 17, 2010 17:18
165 lbs.... I havent been this thin and this in shape since I was a 14 or 15.
Feels great. looks great, summer-away!