For those of you who might be new to the fandom, 503 is a Japanese fan designation for Ed/Winry. "Legend has it" that the 503 is taken partially from a brand of Japanese jeans, the 'Edwin 503', though it probably has more to do with Japanese numerology, and all I know is that, there is a jeans company in Japan that does produce 503 jeans.
And Arakawa knew about the fandom number connotation, which is shown in the manga and Brotherhood anime with the number for Winry's hotel room, post-finding-out-Hughes-died.
I propose a prompt-a-thon to celebrate! So, go ahead and start setting up prompts with an Ed/Win flavor, and I will gather them all together and post them and you can pick and choose what you want to fill. Fills can be drabbles or drawbles or fantracks or...well, go wild, okay?
Sound good? Sound like fun? I hope so. My main sticking point is, if you post a prompt, please fill one, too. That way no one gets left out.
Characters: Ed/Winry and...? If you want to include someone else in the prompt, feel free.
Prompt: Go ahead and have fun with this.
Rating: If you want to include any rating, go ahead!
Characters: Ed/Winry and...? Prompt: Rating: I'll screen the prompts for now but will also be posting them closer to the middle/latter part of the month of April. Keep an eye out!
Oh, this is open to anyone, LJ is not necessary.
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Happy 503 Day!