Man, it's difficult waiting for work to end, especially when you have to stick around for no good reason. Hrm. Let's just ( post disjointed thoughts to LJ! )
biking is funny that way. I used to ride 10-20 miles after work. One day I got off early and said -- hmm, I'll ride 35. Oh man. Like you, at 30 it started to feel a little awful, and at 32 or 33, I was ready to die. :)
"I don't know what was going on with me last week... I sense much anger in... uh... me. Yeah. Anyway, anger. I wish I could find some way to vent or resolve things or something, but it seems that physical exertion alone isn't helping too much."
Yeah, I got some of that frustration / anger stuff going on, too. Yesterday I started up on martial arts again. Two or three hours a night of TKD and hapkido will leeach the angry energies right out of ya, no problem.
Comments 2
I think no on Google IPO as well.
Yeah, I got some of that frustration / anger stuff going on, too. Yesterday I started up on martial arts again. Two or three hours a night of TKD and hapkido will leeach the angry energies right out of ya, no problem.
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