What's up LJ world??? Long time no talk So I signed up for Twitter the other day, and now I love it. So if you have one, follow me, and i'll follow you! I'll start updating it more and more now
#1. A big thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. It was good times.
#2. I got a new phone yesterday. My number is the same, but I need all of yours. So either text me with your name, or reply to this and give me your number.
so for those still in LJ land, this is to let you know that my phone has been stolen. So the best way to get in touch with me if you need to is via myspace. that is all
I need to ask a big favor from everyone... i need someone to tape Raw is War tonight on USA for me Don and I will be there, but we want to watch it again when we get home so we can hear the anouncers and shit. if you can do that, it would be awesome. let me know thanks!