Someday, I intend to use this blog again, and say things that matter, but I can sum up why I don't lately. I am working my ass off, so much so that I don't even know how to talk about my lack of ass (or brains
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Yeah, I sucked at that resolution, but I'm trying to improve upon my tendencies not to post anything at all. I still did want to give some suggestions as to what you could be reading, and things that I enjoyed in the past year
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I'm allowed to play catch-up like this! The 7th was my birthday, after all, and Kat's Christmas program to boot -- and I made this post on Snow Day here on the frozen tundra. I forgot to post it between all the gingerbread-house-decorating and good-food-baking and Muppet-watching and snow-angeling. (Is that a word?) I'll try to actually catch up
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I can't promise to be any more present than usual as a rule -- something about lots of work and considering an audition for a local musical -- but I'm feeling Christmas spirit already. As such, I'm following suit of many others and posting about books you may want to buy for your loved ones for Christmas
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Yet again, I am essentially posting a 'not dead'. I know, I know, this is supposed to be summer, when I have time, but my darling child has determined to have the most quintessential summer fun that can be packed into these few months, and so - still busy.
I don't have much more news than that until things are closer to ready to burst forth like Athena out of someone's tortured brains. That said, I am well and happy and healthy and solvent and productive, which is really all you can ask.