Alright slaves, as irresistable as I am, you're going to have to ignore your insatiable lust for me for about 2 minutes while I explain my diabolical plans.
THAT INCLUDES YOU, BLIMP BUTT!! Ugh, I'm going to have to brush my teeth for days after you and Sitar Slave...
Moving on.
Locked to the Okage cast, Ness, and Demyx//hard to hack and really not worth the effort )
Comments 88
More importantly, because I told you to!!
So that's The Phantom Evil King, Laharl the Overlord, Prussia the Hostile Annexing Nation and Zim...the Destroyer?
I'll admit, its disturbing how neatly aligned and long our list of shared enemies grows, but this hardly makes us allies. Nonetheless. If Ari wishes to help me, I suppose you have no choice but to come along like a worthless and largely unhelpful flap in the breeze.
...Hmph! I gargled 20 times and used a whole bottle of mouthwash, I'll have you know.
If by that you mean Fake Evil Floating Freak, Cockroach Head, Prussistan, Dark Wizard Child of Questionable Gender, and... I don't know, that one kid who looks like he's about to puke, then yes.
I don't think either of us expect to be nor want to be allies. But... fighting a common enemy at the same moment wouldn't technically count as an alliance. Ignoring your pitiful insults, what the hell does this mean:
I shall be where death tolls.
High above the city folds.
Can you guess where I shall be?
Or will you never see?
Such a dangerous path ahead.
Would you not rather go back to bed?
Phantom Bastard said it was some sort of riddle, but I was a little... uh, distracted, to translate it properly. So hurry up and solve it so we can be on our way!!
I'm almost sure I threw up in my mouth a little, you cow!!!
I like my classifications better.
Where death tolls... The graveyard wouldn't be very high above, but the church steeple, perhaps? Or maybe the roof of the hospital?
What a bother. At least the ones on the map were shorter riddles.
Oh? So that wasn't your breath... Pig. I hope you intend to put on a shirt, next time.
Now hang on, you can't tell me Luxord's here too.
Listen, I have other evil beings to defeat, so we'll have to hold off on our epic duel until a more timely... time. With the defeat of the "Phantom Evil King", I'll finally have that Bubbly Annoyance out of my way, so he takes a little more priority!
Oh fine, I'll put you on the list of people to annihilate. There. Satisfied?
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