I just finished reading Deathly Hallows, and OMG. Wow. Loved it. Theres so much infor buzzing in my brain right now i'm not even sure exactly what to say....There was parts where i seriously wanted to cry, and not just where characters died. But just the cutesy bits. But that just may be my hormones right now
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So i know this is long over due but i've pretty much just like been avoiding the world at such point in time....and it's weird but my spacebar squeaks when i press it....ummm ya
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It's funny how one summer can change everything. It must be something about the heat and the smell of chlorine, fresh cut grass and honeysuckle, asphalt sizzling after late-day thunderstorms, the steam rising while everything drips around it. Something about long, lazy days and whirring air conditioners and bright plastic flip flops from the
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I want to go to McDonalds and think it's the best place to eat. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make waves with rocks. I want to think M&M's are better than money because you can eat them. I want to play kickball during recess and stay up Christmas Eve waiting to hear Santa or Rudolph on the roof. I long for the days when life
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I know i've been rather absent, even though lots of stuff has been going on it's basically just your usual summer shit...parties, get togethers, Casino, Beach, Fights, Break-ups, Make-up sex, Bars, Friends....good times mostly
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