I started thinking about the interests list as a Turing test and that gave me an excuse to think about more incredibly random things I'm interested in and I counted and, apparently I had a greater number of unshared interests than I thought.
17th-century poets, 2pwg slash, aramir, being brian kinney, crais/aeryn, evil telepaths, giles love, jude law's mouth, new justice league episodes, palace intrigue, sark/tom quinn, sharpe crossovers, slashing soap operas, tailsmut, & undead prostitutes )
Comments 11
I keep randomly poking the internet hoping for exotic vintage Devane/Scorpio/Holly/Frisco/Felicia/Donnelly stories, but alas, I haven't found any...
But I think the reason we're not seeing vintage-era fic for soaps online is that 1) it tends to be harder to write soap fic set in the past--partly because as fandoms go, they're more ephemeral, because of how much and how fast canon is constantly changing, and b) back during that era, the people who were watching (and presumably writing fan fiction) didn't have access to the Internet, so if you go on the premise that they had no way of distributing it at the time and that people are less likely to write any soap opera fan fiction in the absence of relatively recent exposure, that would explain why there doesn't seem to be any to be found. Or at least, that's my theory.
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