spend some time at the museums if you get a chance, but if not it's not a huge loss (the exhibits range in quality). le commensal on st. catherine's is good veggie food and fun atmosphere for brunch / meal on the go. my favourite things about montreal were just wandering around late at night and people watching on the subway. mcgill street is nice if you want to wander into some galleries / nicer shops. st. laurent is the francophone club area if you're in the mood for that (better than the anglophone clubs), there are good markets around as well, but those are mainly interesting for people who live there. one city block east of st. laurent is another nice street that runs north/south with good shops (and bad shops that are mildly amusing). specific locations? cd esotherique if you're interested in some weird music on st. catherine's. apart from that, i never really visited the same stores twice. st. catherine's east is the queer area of town. it's sort of fun, but i never spent too much time there (too libido driven).
Hey, how long are you there? I might visit my dad in Ottawa this weekend for pa's day, and MTL's not far. Maybe my friend Dan can help me hitch over there, money being tight and all...
here till monday, would be amazing/exciting to meet you (but i might be shy)! i could pay for all your booze & victuals ;). let me know if you make it up here. i can e-mail you my friend's number but i'll also be checking e-mail daily.
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