Boredom amidst studying

Feb 11, 2006 21:46

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1) Is thedevilcheezus related to et7128? Ha. No.
2) Is vigilance your best friend? Nope, but he IS an awesome guy.
3) Does richaa do drugs? He "appreciates" pot, I believe
4) What would thedevilcheezus think of et7128? A number of contraversial things
5) One quality you find attractive in shuck_master? down to earth wise sarcasm
6) Has grouchymojo4 dyed their hair? Many times freshman and sophomore year of college
7) Does sanguine_sage know shuck_master? Nope
8) Where was darkmist83 born? Maryland???
9) How would darkmist83 conquer the world? By acting like an emperor and convincing everyone he WAS the emperor by his stellar performance ;)
10) What exotic animal would smileypillsbury like as a pet? Panda
11) Does et7128 smoke? No
12) Is sanguine_sage friends with et7128? They are aquaintances
13) What is darkmist83's favorite band/artist? No idea, actually
14) If et7128 had a superpower, what would it be? Fire gaze
15) One thing you can't stand about hattrick1? How big of a punk he is :-P
16) Where did you first meet sanguine_sage? Medicine and Society class
17) Is richaa a college student? Perpetually
18) Does darkmist83 travel a lot? Not that I'm aware of
19) Is richaa an emo? What's an emo?
20) What do you agree with thelimnologist about? That stingrays are cool.
21) Does shuck_master have a dog? I want to say yes... but I'm not positive
22) What is sanguine_sage's favorite game? Pop Veronica's bubble... or guess how many bubbles Veronica has popped recently
23) What comic book character would grouchymojo4 be? Superwoman
24) Have you ever dated hattrick1? Nope
25) If thedevilcheezus and richaa were siamese twins, where would they be joined? At their tail bones, to counteract whatever the other one was doing
26) Are sanguine_sage and rachie_rachie going out? Nope
27) Do you have midgetcowbum's screenname? Yep
28) What flavor of jello would shuck_master be? Tropical blend :)
29) How tall is thedevilcheezus? 6 ft
30) Would you set up et7128 and jennicacat? Probably not
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