So. My cousin is getting married at the end of this mounth. So I am helping to plan a shower - any ideas? along with my cousin Jason's gf Mandy who we have never met before - and won't meet until midnight the night before the shower
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Long, long ago I met this guy in a class. He was nice, and I was friends with his roommate. I introduced him to my roommate, and he was vaugly smitten and/or interested. The relationship doesn't go anywhere. Its all good
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New LJ I created a new lj - JennLiving. It has daily recipies, and fun things like that. Go there if you have ever asked about food, recipies, or fun things.
I have a picture with you in it that I want to use in a Domestic Diva competiton - it is from Halloween, and the primary focus of the picture is the table.