OMG! I am so fuckin pissed! I havent left the house in four days and so this morning I made plans to go to Playdium with Laura. Her mom was out but she was gonna ask her to drive her there when she got home. I waited all call. So I decide to take it upon myself to phone Laura's house. Her brother answered and said that she wasnt
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Created by starsbleed2nite and taken 55671 times on bzoink! What is your name?CatAre you named after anyone?soap opera starletteWhat's your screename?fading-ember, fading_emberm tokyo_pop, neko-chanWould you name a child of yours after you?no way in hellIf you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name
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Wow, this is gonna be one boring x-mas. Today I woke up at 12, washed my hair, ate Kraft Dinner and watched Cowboy Bebop The Movie. Then I went to Heidi's to play drums and DDR. Her mom gave me a black tv stand cause I needed one ^^ Cowboy Bebopis a really really good movie. The animation is smooth and slick and
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Went to a pumpkin farm today and saw a sexy grunge-looking guy. He was wearing a yellow and black plaid shirt and sk8 shoes. Wendy's food tastes nasty XP. Families suck. They're so loud and ignorant!!
You believe that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all good nights for drinking. Sunday day is also entirely reasonable
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