Hmm, these are hard because I don't really know you very well. But here goes!
1. What do you spend your free time doing (apart from doing stuff with friends, cause pretty much everyone does that). 2. Would you say you are an artistic person? I guess I mean that in any sense of the word. 3. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 4. Is there anyone who has inspired you greatly? 5. I don't know you very well! What's something you think is unique about you that I might not know?
Comments 3
and this is becca by the way, i'm in english class on one of the computer cart computers and it won't let me log in.
1. What do you spend your free time doing (apart from doing stuff with friends, cause pretty much everyone does that).
2. Would you say you are an artistic person? I guess I mean that in any sense of the word.
3. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
4. Is there anyone who has inspired you greatly?
5. I don't know you very well! What's something you think is unique about you that I might not know?
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