So, over the Christmas holidays, I deluded myself into believing that I could be active in fandom again. Then I remembered that work + school + family = no freaking time for fun. So yeah, jaiden_s? Those noises I made about joining your game? Please forgive me for leading you to believe I could do anything of the sort. I remembered I had a final project
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I didn't even know what an annotated bibliography was before yesterday, and now I have to write two of them before then end of the week. Gracious, I don't think I've ever been asked to read so much so fast in my life
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I just made course scheduling decisions for the upcoming semester based on the release date of The Hobbit. All of my classes but one end in October or November, so I won't be tempted to blow off too many finals in favor of going to the movie theater! :DDDDD
I probably ought to be disturbed by this, but mostly I just feel proud of my foresight.