Fanfiction #125 - Fight for You

Mar 26, 2008 12:32

Title: Fight for You 1-7
Rating/warnings: PG-13
Genre: angst, action/adventure, romance, AU
Character/s: Charlie/Claire, Desmond, Greta and Bonnie
Spoilers: up to TTLG
Summary: AU. Claire is suspicious enough when Desmond comes and asks Charlie to help him with a project but when she discovers that Desmond nearly let Charlie get killed by Rousseau’s arrow trap, she realises that they’re both still keeping secrets from her. When she discovers that Charlie is actually planning to die in the Looking Glass so that she might be rescued, Claire insists that the decision be taken out of his hands and puts the other survivors to a vote. From there, it’s all AU fun and games!
Original Post Date: 18-28/12/2007 Post:
Disclaimer: If Lost was mine, this is what would have happened instead of the season finale.
Authors Note: this one is dedicated to falafel_fiction who gave me her original plot bunny for this fic (she wanted to see Claire fighting to keep Charlie alive) and allowed me to splice it with a bunny of my own and create a new, more involved storyline.

Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven

desmond hume, romance, charlie pace, claire littleton, angst, charlie/claire, alternative universe, action/adventure, season three, greta, bonnie

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