You are amazing. Like, really. You kick so much ass. I love playing with all your characters--that joke we had once upon a time where I was in love with all of your characters? It's so true, and I'll tell you why--every on one of your characters is so VIBRANT, it's insane and I am ridiculously jealous of you. Just. Gah. They're so lifelike it's EASY to fall in love with them.
And I just want to highlight--your Sark. YOUR SARK. Is so fucking brilliant that honestly, I feel really really self-conscious playing against him because all I can think is that I KNOW I'm not playing on the level you are, because he's just so perfect, and yet, at the same time, he makes me playing Vaughn BETTER, because I can just HEAR him and I just... Gah. You're amazing. Really.
Seriously. You have such an amazing range, and you are so gifted as a writer. You have a real skill for capturing a character, and staying true to them. I love Mr. Sark no matter what you've inflicted upon him, and your Adam is perfect. I hear them when I read the things you write. That takes talent.
And I love you too. You have become a good friend to me, and I'm deeply grateful for that. I always look forward to hanging out with you online, chatting or plotting or just being goofy. *squishes you*
nothingsodivine- Desmond D. Descant
sarkraticmethod- Julian Sark
stopdropanddie- Jack Bristow
akablackkitty- Marshall Flinkman
neverinportland- Juliet Burke
isntalwaysevil- Edward Albright and Henry Spivey
monitorthebirds- Cooper Hawkes
howangryarethey- Adam Monroe
thrillofthekill- Vincent Sterling
nogettingback- Aaron Barnam
ornobodywill- Mac
leanhungrytype- Anka Petrovic
savesomelight- Piper Paxton
leosarecynical- Gray Raines
demoninmydream- Thomas Raith
asmuchaswanting- Irina Derevko
thereis_onlyone-Connor MacLeod
Misc. Muses
bigtimebackwash- McKenas Cole
whotrulyloves- Penelope Widmore
You're a great writer, with great insight to your characters. You put so much thought to them, and it shows. You're also a lot of fun to chat with.
Basically, I heart you. XD
You are amazing. Like, really. You kick so much ass. I love playing with all your characters--that joke we had once upon a time where I was in love with all of your characters? It's so true, and I'll tell you why--every on one of your characters is so VIBRANT, it's insane and I am ridiculously jealous of you. Just. Gah. They're so lifelike it's EASY to fall in love with them.
And I just want to highlight--your Sark. YOUR SARK. Is so fucking brilliant that honestly, I feel really really self-conscious playing against him because all I can think is that I KNOW I'm not playing on the level you are, because he's just so perfect, and yet, at the same time, he makes me playing Vaughn BETTER, because I can just HEAR him and I just... Gah. You're amazing. Really.
Seriously. You have such an amazing range, and you are so gifted as a writer. You have a real skill for capturing a character, and staying true to them. I love Mr. Sark no matter what you've inflicted upon him, and your Adam is perfect. I hear them when I read the things you write. That takes talent.
And I love you too. You have become a good friend to me, and I'm deeply grateful for that. I always look forward to hanging out with you online, chatting or plotting or just being goofy. *squishes you*
Also, holy shit I have no idea how you can brain for that many muses. I could never play that many characters. o.o;;
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