May 20, 2010 23:32
Sending out a <3 to all my loved ones, don't ever doubt it! Oh Grey's Anatomy getting me thinkin' of how quick it can all end *bearhugs to all*
Apr 12, 2009 21:32
*makes a note here, huge success*
Apr 08, 2009 00:09
Transcends space and time!
Apr 07, 2009 21:44
Rolling Stones - Satisfaction.. "unofficial" Wildwood theme song from the 60's local TV #sxsw
Mar 31, 2009 21:29
Sylar, you are the best TV villain EVER.
Feb 11, 2009 10:56
Expo Line, King George
hazy morning moving
through blurred green before
blue sky and bits of white
bearded man with bike
old lady with hat
bits of scenery that
actually live, too
complicated to even conceive
tiny buildings obscure
thousands more