wellll yeah..im bored and my brother and my cousin are shooting bebes and wrecking things in the house. and im stuck babysitting. jess i need some back up come help me! haha
my "lemoney snickle" (as my mom says) book is good. its weird but good. & today my dad bought a bebe gun thing and its really big and it looks like a real gun. muahaha
that was the best week ever!!!!! i had soo much fun even though my team sucked. me dom liz and maria made a song about the week that totally rocked!! haha its was great but i missed my house. it smells like rotting potatoes right now because SOMEONE left them in the cabinet. its really gross but whatever
hurt my back today. im so happy my neighbors got a hut tube with their pool. ;]
i don't feel very well so im probably not going to practice tommorow either. if i can't play in nationals my whole team can't go and that would suck..alot