...hmm well today i cleaned my liveing room cuz i had to ugh. then Heather called to i went to her house cuz she was bored then tonight i may be going to her friend Tasha's house for the night :) this shall be fun Comment please :) <3 Morgan..
.. Didn't really do anything today but ater tonight. me and jordan and a ton of hotties mogiht be going to RSN* :) YES I love them! <333 update more later call for plans for tghe rest of the summer! 7433973* or my cell 9691350
Yeah, havn't updated in a while. but ii thought ii would leave this entry up for a lil. Not to much to say... This past week was vaction. Pretty boring, ii spent time with the family tho.
Nothing much more to say... hmm... On Friday ii went to Jokers with my family. cool huh lol