Cell phones are superior 8( [Adachi, Minato]
A weasel! [Ron]
Shamisens [Mitsuhide (SW3)]
Zombies and goth girls oh my! [Sam Manson]
host club [Tamaki]
Sushi make-outs [Redglare]
A broken soul [ Guy, Kohaku, Kyouko, Shing ]
A godly talk [Jacob]
Being dragged along by Shing [ Kohaku, Shing ]
5 things [ Shouma ]
Gun to the head and none of the bullets [ Mitsuru ]
Jack Frost snowmen [ Yukari ]
What is there, after the end? [ Demyx, Billy, Dr. Franken Stein, Katsu (DeSu MC), Ken, Silver ]
Taking up a generous offer? [ Izaya aka this can only end well ]