I'm a sucker for pretty pictures of faily boys. And it seems that all the cool people are linking to your journal....friend me? (23, amsterdam, trying to come out of lurker mode /0\)
Um, yeah, I was reading a favorite fic, and I saw the author replying to your comment by saying that you had posted a Jon/Brendon arranged marriage fic.
I am prepared to offer you three toes, 2/16ths of my immortal soul, and/or my undying friendship if you will let me read that.
Because, I mean. Jon/Brendon ARRANGED MARRIAGE. Come ON.
I'm pretty sure they were referring to this fic, which is something like a PWP standalone to a much longer 'verse I'm in the middle of writing (or, you know, will get done eventually). Sorry to get your hopes up! :\
Hullo hullo! You seem to be the source of some truly awesome band-related pictures and members of my flist seem to like you a great deal, so I came over to check you out! Mind if I friend?
This is something like the fourth time I've wandered onto your journal in the past week - people keep on posting amazing pictures and linking back to you, and so I keep on coming back to lurk and enjoy the picspams. Only then I saw that not only do you post amazing Panic pics, you write lovely Brendon/Jon arranged marriage comfort stories, and there is nothing quite like a sick!Brendon story to boost me out of my lurkerdom. Which is to say, hi, you seem awesome and I'm friending you!
Comments 94
I am prepared to offer you three toes, 2/16ths of my immortal soul, and/or my undying friendship if you will let me read that.
Because, I mean. Jon/Brendon ARRANGED MARRIAGE. Come ON.
Do you mind terribly if I friend you?
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