falsity May 20, 2020 11:46
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falsity May 29, 2011 19:25
who ][ aristos (construered), what ][ playlist, verse ][ the acropolis
falsity May 29, 2011 18:30
where ][ sws, who ][ aristos (construered), as ][ responder, verse ][ the acropolis
falsity May 27, 2011 23:57
where ][ meme, who ][ aristos (construered), as ][ responder, verse ][ the acropolis
falsity May 26, 2011 17:47
who ][ arthur (is_on_point), where ][ sws, as ][ poster, who ][ aristos (construered), verse ][ the acropolis, who ][ arthur (punctualities)
falsity May 24, 2011 03:29
who ][ arthur (is_on_point), where ][ sws, as ][ responder
falsity May 22, 2011 00:26
who ][ arthur (is_on_point), where ][ sws, as ][ poster, verse ][ mr. and mrs. eames, who ][ eames (paisleythief)
falsity May 21, 2011 00:24
where ][ sws, who ][ yusuf (diastereomer), as ][ responder
falsity May 21, 2011 00:22
who ][ arthur (littlspecificty), where ][ sws, as ][ poster, who ][ arthur (controldcolapse), verse ][ mr. and mrs. eames, who ][ eames (paisleythief)