I was in the shower - showering - when I decided to amuse myself by playing "Who would you kiss, fuck, kill?" in my head regarding the Glee boys and girls. This is soooooo random and I am probably lame for doing this but I cant help it.
Long and unnecessary )
Comments 6
I like your logic re: Sue, but she def could be dangerous and I like to be safe.
Sorry to say I kind of agree that the show is fast going past the point of no return with Brit, which I'm sad about 'cause I like a lot of things about her (fun-loving, stays above the politics, likes everybody, awesome dancer, sexy abs).
The show is very heavy handed and caricatural with characterization.
Oh well, the singing and dancing is still great fun.
If I were to kill Puck it would be a slow process involving the removal of his sexual organs (after all, its the only thing he truly values....)
Sue is definitely dangerous. But I think all of the girls are dangerous lol Rachel is clingy to the extreme, Quinn has an uberbitch waiting to come back after the baby comes (and a bible thumping bitch at that), Tina is so quiet and meek but obviously has the capacity to snap like a loon, Santana is soooooo full of herself and is a user, Mercedes might be the least dangerous though she's still really aggressive, Emma is OCD and a little off because of her social isolation, Terri is self explanatory I would hope, and of course Brittany is a danger to herself and others.
I think I covered all the girls right?
-The show is very heavy handed and caricatural with characterization. -
True said.
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Kiss:I don't want to say this cuz i love Emma and want them to make a cute and corny couple but i'd probably kiss will.
Fuck:Puck. I love him and i have that thing where you think you could change the guy so yeah.
Kill: i don't even know his name the guy in the wheelchair..sorry but i don't know i just can't stand him
Kiss: from the show Emma from fics i've read Brittany
Fuck: from the show Quinn from fics Santana most definitely
Kill: Tina i really don't like her
Basically... they have no intention of giving her any depth. That makes ME a sad panda :(
Hope Im not invading your LJ :P but..
Kiss: Mike, hes so cute!
Fuck: Puck, a bastard but hot none the less
Kill: Finn, annoys the crap out of me. I dont get the fuss :/ I mean hes got Kurt, Rachel, Quinn drooling over him and he sleeps with Santana. Now wheres the fairness in that :P
Kiss: Quinn, mostly because of Dianna shes such a cutie.. I love her
Fuck: Santana, hawt HBIC!
Kill: Emma, I cant stand those big doe eyes any longer, shes too pathetic :/
I can see killing Finn, he is annoying in his self pitying crap. He's emo without all the make up. His innocent personality is also really ridiculous lol
Uuuuuugh why sex Puck? He is slime lol Oh well, each their own.
Santana sex... well I still say her personality is nasty... but I can definitely see her being good in bed hehehe Although Finn has burned her with his disinterest lmao Ouch, that must've hurt her ego.
Killing emma? Yeah I can see that too. Her personality is demented. She's the one who's going to snap one day and walk into the school with a semi-automatic lol
I approve your kissables.
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