Happy Monday, fandom.
Old business:
squeaky19, the owner of InsaneJournal, has shown up here to
categorically deny that his site has anything to do with Six Apart. In case anyone was still wondering.
More old business: This comm is now moderated. My mod stick grows pokier. Spam me all you like (not that anyone has). Spam the watchers and we have a problem.
Now, on to new business.
I haven't talked to every member of fandom. I haven't read every single thing everyone has to say. But I have read a lot. And fandom seems to be pretty well divided. Shocking, I know, but bear with me. Here's how it shakes out:
- People who are staying right here, thanks very much
- People who want to leave
- People who are looking to jump to an LJ clone
- People who are not married to that idea
Those who want to move to an LJ clone, please keep an eye on Scribblit (best accomplished by staking out
twocorpses' LJ. But she and I have talked, and we have quite different ideas. She wants to put together a journaling site that has some better features and a TOS that doesn't suck. She wants it to be a cool, fun, friendly place to hang out, for fen and non-fen alike.
And that? Is awesome. I encourage you to check it out and support her if you're so inclined.
But me, I have crazy mad plans. I continue to feel that people aren't going anywhere without their friends, and that the people who feel unthreatened by the Sword of 6A Damocles won't move unless they can move someplace shiny. And that means new code, a new site.
I was going to make a poll, but it turns out that free users don't get polls. Fancy that. So we're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.
So tell me: If you could make the uber-fandom journaling site, what features would it have?
Here's an idea I'm in love with at the moment. You go to make a new post. There's a drop-down menu where you say if it's a regular post or if it's fic (or art, or meta, or whatever). If you go the regular post route, you get something a lot like the LJ update screen. If you're posting fic, there are some fields for you to fill in (title, rating, notes, etc.). When you post it to your journal, you can post it to your website at the same time. Or you can post it to an archive (ideally,
fanarchive). Don't have a website? Disable that option. Don't write fic? Disable that option.
So let's hear it. Go nuts. I'll share my crack pipe and you tell me your pipe dreams.