Advanced Criminal Justice, Class 14, Period 1, 02.23.06

Feb 23, 2006 11:42

[ooc: Hi! I have nothing to say, really. But there's always an OOC note. Oh! Wait, yes I do. I would totally have your grades for your essays up today, but um, still missing them from a couple people. If you don't get them in by this weekend? I'm not grading them, and you're going down a grade. Letting you know. Anyway. Class Info Post]

Rory sat on Tick's desk, looking very, very grumpy. All her limbs were still attached, though, and she was nursing a large cup of coffee.

"So. Hi. Professor Tick unfortunately couldn't be here today, so I'll be leading the discussion today."

"Last class, we talked about how Justice is implemented in Fandom. Do you guys think what happens around here is fair, as a whole? Furthermore, and this isn't just in Fandom, but do you think Justice can ever be viewed as subjective? Or, rather, the way said Justice is implemented.

I mean, let's say that someone, for instance, had nothing to do with the casting of a play, and she got horribly punished anyway, because the person who got cast thought it was in the name of Jusice to curse her, or something? Is that right, or wrong? Whoever cursed this person probably thought they were doing it for the good of the school, but they were misguided. Some might argue that Justice had become more like revenge then.

Once Justice is enacted due to a personal vendetta of sorts, does it cross the line from objective, fair Justice to subjective revenge? Or is there a middle ground? Discuss. And if you want to know what I'm talking about, ask me about my arms and legs. Seriously. I dare you."

Rory scowled, and paused. "Um, and for extra credit? Give me names of people who could conceivably cast a curse or whatever. Who live here. Who don't like plays, or brunettes, or something. Oh! And Logan, I need to talk to you when you have a second. After class, if it needs to be."

advanced criminal justice

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