Fandom Fight Club, Atlas Gym, Sunday Evening

Aug 09, 2009 06:48

Ghanima was alone today, no Tyler in sight as people filed into the gym.

"Thank you all for being understanding about my choice to cancel club last week. Considering the extenuating circumstances, I'm sure some of us wanted an outlet, but I needed to be with my stepmother."

"I'm going to make it easy this week," she announced. "You two, you two. You and you, and you and you. Mr. Durden can't be here today, so I'm going to ask everyone to function as my other set of eyes, since contrary to popular rumor, I do not have a pair in the back of my head."

"Be smart, know your limits, and go toss someone into the mats a few times. I have a feeling that we all need it."

Mingle / Training Area / RNG Fights / Open Sparring / Ghanima / OOC

[Up early for SP Goodness!]

firekeeper, jack burton, kyle reese, rosemarie hathaway, griffin o'connor, tahiri veila, kyle katarn, ben skywalker, leto atreides, claire bennet, nate summers, harper finkle, zack fair, jennifer walters, jaina solo, adam park, irulan atreides, fiona post, hoshi sato, triela, arya dröttningu, deadpool, ghanima atreides, savannah levine, atlas, prince edward, anakin skywalker

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