Vampiric Non-Spuffy Section Award Banners!

May 31, 2009 17:48

Best Het

Winner: Tied (Spike/Dawn) by Snowpuppies

Runner Up: Clocks (Willow/Angel) by Gabrielle

Best Slash

Winner: Altered States by Trepkos (Spike/Riley)

Runner Up: Ashes to Ashes by sevendeadlyfun (spike/xander)

Best Heat

Winner: One Man's Hell… by virtualpersonal and blndswdsmn (buffy/Angel)

Runner Up: Better Than Watching by Kargrif (Giles/Xander/Spike)

Runner Up: Tied by Snowpuppies (spike/dawn)

Best Alternate Reality

Winner: The Burning Girl (Buffy/Angel) by trixiefirecra

Runner Up: Later in the Ashes (Willow/Angel) by Gabrielle

Most Original

Winner: A Brief History of Time (A Love Story) (Buffy/Angel) by carlyinrome

Winner: The Burning Girl by Trixiefirecra (buffy/Angel)

No runner up due to a tie for winner.

Best Fluffy/Lighthearted

Winner: Vamp Who Cried Wolf (Xander/Spike) by Kargrif

Runner Up: Pulling Strings (Spike/Angel) by darkling dawns

Best Angst/Dark

Winner: Off Route 17 (Buffy/Angel) by ClawofCat

Runner Up: The Burning Girl (Buffy/Angel) by trixiefirecra

Runner Up: Ashes to Ashes (xander/spike) by sevendeadlyfun

Best Short

Winner: Kiss of Death (Xander/Angelus) by Seductivembrace

Runner Up: Off Route 17 (Buffy/Angel) by ClawofCat

Runner Up: As Dark Things Are Loved by Redbrickrose (Angel/Nina, Angel/Buffy)

Best Long/Saga

Winner: What Lies Within by Jenny (Spike/Giles)

Winner: Long Time Gone by Yin_Again (Spike/Xander)

No runner up due to tie for winner.

Rare Pairings Corner Section Award Banners

Judges/Mod’s Choice and Best Author Award Banners

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