Fang Fetish Round 10 Awards Announcement for Rare Pairings Corner, Vampiric Non-Spuffy, Mod/Judge’s

May 31, 2009 17:59

I have the results for the last four sections, Rare Pairings Corner, Vampiric Non-Spuffy, Mod/Judge’s Choice, and Best Author! These last few posts conclude Round 10, but some time in the next week I have some important announcements to make about changes we are implementing at Fang Fetish Awards here.

This post is text only, but the links to the gorgeous award banners, courtesy of kargrif, ducktheduck, deedo_2313, and seductivembrace, are below. I wanted to point out these artist did a total of 98 custom, to the fic, award banners, so please leave them a lot of love. deedo_2313 created the banners for the Spuffy Section, ducktheduck created the Rare Pairing Corner Section banners, kargrif created the All Pairing Section, Judges/Mod’s Choice and Best Author banners and put all wording on the Vampiric Non-Spuffy Section Banners, and seductivembrace pinch hit for us, creating the banners for Vampiric Non-Spuffy w/o the words.

Thank you all so very much. The talent behind all of these gorgeous award banners shine.


Best Rare Het Pairing
Winner: Surfacing by Only_passenger
Runner Up: Key to My Heart by Spikeslovebite

Best Rare Fem slash Pairing
Winner: Forward by Snowpuppies
Runner Up: Life After Sunnydale by Cordelianne

Best Rare Maleslash Pairing
Winner: Deconstruction in A minor (Spke/Oz) by Snowpuppies
Runner Up: Safe (Spike/Giles) by DeborahMM

Winner: Saturation (Giles/Xander/Spike) by wesleysgirl and janedavitt

Runner Up: Sense Memory (Buffy/Angel/Riley) by lynnenne

Best Heat
Winner: Delicate (Willow/Wesley) by Eurydice

Runner Up: Dark Desires (Giles/Willow) by UncagedMuse and Spikeslovebite

Best Alternate Reality
Winner: Everything Xander Knows About Time Travel (Giles/Xander) by Soft Princess and Mireille

Runner Up: Collateral Damage (Giles/Wesley) by psychoadept & versaphile

Most Original
Winner: A Dash of Colour (Drusilla/Illyria) by Rhaella

Runner Up: Memory (Willow/Fred) by Snowpuppies
Runner Up: Breaking Glass (Giles/Ethan) by Antennapedia

Best Fluffy/Lighthearted
Winner: Apples, Oranges and Pears (Giles/Xander) by Antennapedia
Runner Up: Happenstance (Xander/Riley) by allyndra

Best Angst/Dark
Winner: Deconstruction in A Minor (spike/Oz) by Snowpuppies
Winner: Key to My Heart (xander/dawn) by Spikeslovebite
No runner up due to tie for winner.

Best Short
Winner: To Feed the Good Wolf by girlpire (angel/nina)
Runner Up: Epilogue by Snowpuppies (dawn/xander)

Best Long/Saga
Winner: Angels and Insects by lynnenne (Angel/Spike/Connor)
Runner Up: Everything Xander Knows About Time Travel (Giles/Xander) by Soft Princess and Mireille


Best Het
Winner: Tied (Spike/Dawn) by Snowpuppies
Runner Up: Clocks (Willow/Angel) by Gabrielle

Best Slash
Winner: Altered States by Trepkos (Spike/Riley)
Runner Up: Ashes to Ashes by sevendeadlyfun (spike/xander)

Best Heat
Winner: One Man's Hell… by virtualpersonal and blndswdsmn (buffy/Angel)
Runner Up: Better Than Watching by Kargrif (Giles/Xander/Spike)
Runner Up: Tied by Snowpuppies (spike/dawn)

Best Alternate Reality
Winner: The Burning Girl (Buffy/Angel) by trixiefirecra
Runner Up: Later in the Ashes (Willow/Angel) by Gabrielle

Most Original
Winner: A Brief History of Time (A Love Story) (Buffy/Angel) by carlyinrome
Winner: The Burning Girl by Trixiefirecra (buffy/Angel)
No runner up due to a tie for winner.

Best Fluffy/Lighthearted
Winner: Vamp Who Cried Wolf (Xander/Spike) by Kargrif
Runner Up: Pulling Strings (Spike/Angel) by darkling dawns

Best Angst/Dark
Winner: Off Route 17 (Buffy/Angel) by ClawofCat
Runner Up: The Burning Girl (Buffy/Angel) by trixiefirecra
Runner Up: Ashes to Ashes (xander/spike) by sevendeadlyfun

Best Short
Winner: Kiss of Death (Xander/Angelus) by Seductivembrace
Runner Up: Off Route 17 (Buffy/Angel) by ClawofCat
Runner Up: As Dark Things Are Loved by Redbrickrose (Angel/Nina, Angel/Buffy)

Best Long/Saga
Winner: What Lies Within by Jenny (Spike/Giles)
Winner: Long Time Gone by Yin_Again (Spike/Xander)
No runner up due to tie for winner.


Judge’s Choice

New Kind of Same by ubiquirk (Faith centric)
This is a heartbreaking look at something that could so easily have happened to Faith after Chosen. The gradual loss of her authority, the pulling away as she feels not wanted, and the final understanding of what they think she is capable of doing. It was well-written, the characters were believable and the story line was original and well-realized.

Grey by Only_Passenger (Faith/Angel)
This was like sipping acid; achingly powerful and raw. The emotions were laid out to feel and try to escape - but the reader couldn't. And didn't really want to; I felt like an intruder yet I couldn't look away. It felt like canon, but canon after dark - and I loved it. Broken Faith being comforted by damaged Angel is just stunning. Well done.

The Writing On The Wall by Holly (Spike/Buffy
I love this remarkably deep exploration of Spike’s psyche, his endurance, and the depth of his devotion to Buffy - set when he had no reason to hope. Beautifully written and sparing no detail of the tedium and agony of hell, yet dreamlike too - a terrific read and truly original.

Crushed Spaiku by Mere Ubu (Spike/Buffy)
I haven’t the words for just how brilliant these Spaiku are, except to say that Mere Ubu has written something masterful here. She is an amazing talent, and I look forward to reading much more Spaiku, and any other written works of hers. Wonderful!

The Flowers You Gave Me by hands_of_blue (dawn, Spike)
This fic is a beautiful example of how powerful short pieces can be when tightly constructed. Through the use of skillfully employed metaphors and themes peppered through Dawn's pained reflection on her sad summer without Buffy, the author highlights how mundane benchmarks in life can bring context, stability, and even comfort in times of uncertainity. Economical in its prose and well characterized, this vignette proves that less can definately be more.

A Dash of Colour by Rhaella (Drusilla, Ilyria)
Rhaella not only slips into Drusilla's shattered point of view seamlessly, she uses that platform to weave an encounter with Illyria that is beautiful, haunting, broken, and chilling by turns. Original and evocative, this short story leaves a quite the impression.

Mod’s Choice

A Simple Choice by dreamincolor (Cordelia centered)
I enjoyed this story because it’s a frank look at a scene Joss skimmed over. Dreamincolor nails charactization in this fic, giving us back the complicated, heroic Cordy that we all loved rather than the cardboard saint Joss propped up on the screen. The use of a power as an erotic third partner in the scene is incredibly compelling and really drives home the tragedy of Cordelia’s death. An excellent, compelling story and a must for Cordelia fans!

Towels by Deirde1 (Xander, Spike not paired just centered)
Perfect little ficlet in the form of notes written by Spike and Xander. Both characters are perfectly portrayed by Deird1; it would be just the type of ongoing, petty argument the two would engage in. Each trying to outdo the other. I had a smile on my face from beginning to end, and outright chuckled in places.

A Different Light by Dreamweaver (Spike/Buffy)
I have found this author to be a delightful spot of fresh blood within the fandom. Wonderful!

Epilogue by snowpuppies (Dawn/Xander)
Dawn/Xander has become my second favorite pairing, so I’m always on the lookout for fics that feature them together. In Epilogue, the author has done an amazing job capturing both voice and characterization. It’s both sweet and sad, and I only wish it had been longer. Snowpuppies has done an outstanding job with this one.

The Hard Choices, by ClawofCat (Angel centered)
Emotionally compelling without being melodramatic, this short is a stellar example of what a gifted author who understands both canon and characters can accomplish.

Compelled - The Buffy/Angelverse Reshaped by Hotpoint (ensemble)
This story is ever evolving, complex and so very fascinating. The original characters, the time travel, the alternate dimensions; this is one of the most original and complex story lines I have ever come across and from the moment I started I was hooked.
Her Gift by Lily Lovely (dawn centered)
This powerful piece grasps hold of the reader with its perfect amount of angst for Dawn’s character. Heartbreaking and raw, you feel the young girl’s pain with each and every word of Lily Lovely’s talented writing. Excellent!

The Post-Finals Tradition (Connor/Oz) by Mireille
While not a pairing I thought I'd enjoy, this fic was a great surprise for me. I loved the splashes of canon as well as the boys finding their own places in the world. Lovely writing with great grasp of the characters and their development.

Best Author

Winner: only_passenger

Runner Up: antennapedia

Runner Up: herself_nyc

Rare Pairings Corner Section Award Banners

Vampiric Non-Spuffy Section Award Banners

Judges/Mod’s Choice and Best Author Award Banners

r10 awards

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