I'm starting to doubt that I will ever be able to depend on anyone for anything. I find it pointless to work towards something that will just fall apart in the end because I have to rely on other people to make it work. I think it is the same with every person in my family, we don't like to waste our time, but we end up doing it very often.
I can't stand this routine anymore. I feel suffocated and starved of an actual life. I have no energy anymore, anyone could tell you that
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I'm going to be a maid. I believe that you don't need to do much schooling for that. All you really need to know is not to drink the cleaning fluid or get sucked up by a vacuum. Seems simple enough, yes?
My parents have the uncanning ability to make me feel horribly guilty when I haven't done anything.
I wish I had the guts to mouth off at them and tell them how much I really loath them at times. If I weren't spoiled it would be much easier to do so. I hate how my selfishness btes me in the butt.
Dad says we're too young to talk about the war cause we don't understand what it is we're fighting for, so I'm getting trained to see the world as an enemy and all of life as if its not free.
I need to emotionally purge myself ASAP and FIONA APPLE is good music to do that to. I need one of her CDs ANY of her CDs.