Leave a list of fictional characters in your journal that you would love to get a message from. It is your friend-list's mission, should they choose to accept it, to write you an in-character "letter" from a character on that list. Then they post their own list in their journal and the process continues!
In no particular order... )
Comments 10
Okay, this is slightly awkward seeing as you haven't exactly met me, but it IS worth doing all the same, precisely BECAUSE we don't know each other all too well yet. Not that its likely I'm going to break a lot of ground here on the getting to know you front, but you're a much nicer option than most of the others I speak to on a regular basis.
Now if I could only think of something interesting to tell you. I'm not that great with coming up with new ideas, definitely not as good as I am at looking at and rephrasing the old ones, my master would definitely tell you that. Not that I'm supposed to be especially proud of being good at that sort of thing but even if it makes me a bad jedi...well why not? It's not like anyone else will ever find out.
Aside the fact I'm babbling on at you I guess. Then again, there's really no one else to babble at that I actually trust enough not to go blabbing to everyone in sight. It's not the sort of thing you'd do, I definitely know that even though we haven't really met beyond the ( ... )
I am obliged by mun and courtesy to write in curt reply to your request of a letter. I must apologize in advance for however cold or brief my words find you on page; I assure you they are no representation of my esteem for you. I do not so much mind writing a letter, as my days consist chiefly of waking, sleeping, and remembering the past. Not the most exciting of all present vocations, but it serves as my current life, however dismal.
It has been a long time since I was around whilst you spoke with my Mun, whilst the muse Halcyon fished for my story in the ocean of thought. It is not in my nature to explain myself, although I am some portion sorry for having left off such exciting times in the House. Perhaps someday soon we will all fish again.
If there is a time, a moment, when you desire to speak with me more, I shall oblige as best I may; simply send a word.
My respects,
Maharet St. James, Capt.
I do not write letters well. I'm sorry for that. There is much I seem I would say to you here, now; and there is so little I seem I can think to say. I'm sorry for that, too. I should thank you for knowing who I am, for knowing my story and trusting in that, in my character, however deeply flawed and scarred by circumstance. I should tell you I see parts of myself in you, just as in my Mun, but different and separate. I should be endebted to you for bringing me to Boromir. I am. I hope this letter serves a purpose in communicating these things, and giving you glimpse at how deep my feelings go, how little a grasp I truly have upon them.
Thank you.
I will truly never be able to express in thought, word, or deed how grateful I am to you, and how beloved you are to me for bringing me forgiveness, stability, and my family once more. You brought me to Svetlana, and brought me reconciliation and peace. You brought me to my children, and brought me joy and life once more, for the first time in a long time. I will never be able to repay you, so I content to offer my unsatisfied debt of fondness and care.
Be there ever a time or a need, and I will do for you everything you have done for me. Thank you, Kari, for being a vessel of light to my dark, hollow life of before... and for being so honest and sweet to me.
With all my thanks and fondest wishes,
( ... )
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