Title: Night Vigil For kaleidopy By roh_wyn Characters: Faramir, Boromir, Ithilien Rangers, Imrahil, Denethor, Gandalf Rating: G Genre: General Warnings: None.
kaleidopy had requested: A pre-ring story. I'm easy to please.
This is completely adorable!! I thought they were hunting a boar or something. :) But there's actually a lot of little subtleties that make this rather clever - such as the irony of Mithrandir's words being used to cheer up Denethor, and Faramir bailing out his brother with an explanation.
Lovely little fic, thanks so much for participating!! (And thanks for the great formatting job too. :) )
Wow, this is a very, very nice story! And definitely well-written too! You did a great job at creating suspense, the characterization was realistic (even if or heros are kids, they are still so much like themselves!) and the resolution was simply great! As a future English teacher, I give you an A+ for this ! :)
I really liked your clever, if brief, portrayal of the two brothers, their different motivations for accepting this 'mission' and the way each of them thinks about the other...
Okay, you completely fooled me with this one and kept me on the very edge of my chair here!! What a cool story. :-D I love the very way it's written, with all those little fragments that work so well together!
Comments 25
Lovely little fic, thanks so much for participating!! (And thanks for the great formatting job too. :) )
I really liked your clever, if brief, portrayal of the two brothers, their different motivations for accepting this 'mission' and the way each of them thinks about the other...
Thanks for an excelent read! :)
I'm glad you liked the story. Thanks for reading.
It was a pleasure to read this, so thanks again for your story, it's wonderful! :)
Well done indeed! :)
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