Title: End of the Night
Wordcount: ~4500
Rating: NC17
Pairing: always-a-girl!Dean/always-a-human-girl!Cas
Genre: AU civilian FEMSLASH
Warning: brief mentions of OC!child-abuse
ilfirin_estelNotes: So, behold the only salvageable bit of my failed
deancasbigbang. Hopefully I'll end up writing a sequel, which will give me the story I wanted. Just not the readers I'd get
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Comments 20
(I am SO sorry I haven't been around to help you with it, but RL is kind of crazy rn and I honestly haven't had the time. I'm glad you managed to salvage at least some of it though <3)
Please write a sequel! Another 100+k words of a sequel or whatever. This story is exciting, very very hot, intriguing, and beautiful, but also oh-so-short.
Dude! 100+k?! This fandom will be the death of me...
Thanks! ♥
The joy of Dean is that it's very easy to make him a girl, history has put him in the feminine roles, his masculinity is no different from a girl keeping up with the boys. That said it's amazing how many people completely mess that up and make him a girly girl, when all you need to do is change the pronoun.
Have you ever read the Sandman comics. In Volume 7 (I can be that specific) there is a scene in a strip club where Dream goes to visit a goddess of love who is working there. it's heartbreaking and beautiful and tragic all in one go. That is what your story reminded me of.
Even if Mr Adler did put me in mind of Chubby from My name is earl, but that's a whole different part of the mind.
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