Player Application

Jun 06, 2010 19:54


0) PLEASE READ the FAQ and the RULES pages before submitting your application!

1)Please avoid killing/dramatic death/rape in character history. Shoot us mods an e-mail to get it approved first if you feel you really need it.

2)Your character should not have a split personality due to recently becoming 'aware' -- God reincarnations work differently. (They are not separate people, just the same people being reborn into new situations-- please read the FAQ for more info)

3)No Mental Disorders unless preapproved by mods (and you have to have a really, really good reason, and completely understand the disorder you are requesting). However, having them go to/have attended therapy because they think they're gods and no one believes them is perfectly acceptable.

4)(God)Characters must be over 18. They can be born anywhere between the years 1942-1992. If you would like your character to be older than a 1942 birthdate, please contact us via e-mail or aim first, as there will be some slight differences.

5)Please fill out the application and E-MAIL your finished product to: manusfati (at) gmail (dot) com. The mods will review your app and get back to you as soon as we can. This will usually take 2-3 days.

If you have any questions please e-mail us at the above e-mail, or feel free to contact any of the mods via aim (you can find our contact info on the CONTACT POST, right at the top!) There's usually at least one of us around to help!

Here is a handy-dandy copy of the application for you to copy and paste ♥
-Player Information-
Aim: (not required, but strongly recommended as a lot of plotting is done via chat)
Time zone:

-Myth Information-
Myth: (Which deity or hero are you apping?)
About your myth: (In at least 150 words, what is your interpretation of your myth?)
Link to information about your myth:

-Character Information-

Personality: (At least 250 words)
History: (At least 350 words. Go in detail about their past. What was their childhood like? Where did they go to school? Etcetc)

Alignment: (You are allowed to start neutral. However, feel free to talk to either Declan or Gil if you are interested in a particular side. You can switch as your character feels fit.)
Powers: (Be aware you can have minor powers. Major powers are not accepted at this time.)

Physical Description: (Does your character have tattoos, scars, wear their hair a certain way, forget to shave, prefer a type of dress code? Your pb should match the basic idea of your character. This is your chance to expand on that.)
Link to a 190px x 122px of your PB: (This is for the Taken!Characters page; some good free image hosting sites are or Photobucket has an option to edit the size of your pic after you upload it if need be.)

Journal Sample: (Please give us a sample of a journal post your character will make to the online journal community. This will be posted once your character is accepted. It will be used as your characters first post and it helps us get a better idea of your character's voice.)

!gameinfo, application

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