♑ 006; > Text

Mar 22, 2011 17:23

I AiN'T GoT AnY OtHeR ShIt tO Be fRoNtIn
At yOu mOtHeRfUcKeRs eXcEpT
I'M ReAlLy fUcKiN SoRrY.
So mOtHeRfUcKiN SoRrY.
I DoNe uNdErStAnD If yOu mOtHeRfUcKeRs
AiN'T WaNtIn tO Be sPeAkIn tO Me aGaIn.
It's cOoL.
I'M GoNnA Be tRyIn mY FuCkInG HaRdEsT
To kEeP ThIs sHiT FrOm hApPeNiN AgAiN.
If yOu pEoPlE CaN DiG ThAt.

more locked apologies to Vriska, Tavros, Nepeta, Terezi and Karkat. Also lots of troll text and images. )

✩ IC, sorry for killing you dudes, sad clown, want goatdad

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Comments 315

[ 1/? I DIDN'T KNOW YOU MADE AN ENTRY AKJSDHKJH FREAKS OUT] lovingdream March 23 2011, 01:33:01 UTC
[ ...

Rapunzel stares at her SFC for a good twenty minutes, rereading the post over and over and over again.

Damn it damn it damn it all. ]


[2/4] lovingdream March 23 2011, 01:33:50 UTC
[3/4] lovingdream March 23 2011, 01:37:00 UTC
[ ... well, being all mean about it wouldn't help anyone, now would it?

Deep breaths, Punzie. You can do this. It's just Gamzee! Your good friend Gamzee. He has a good reason for doing all those things and-- even if he doesn't, they're friends, right? Friends stick close to each other in the worst of times.

That's how she gains the courage to respond. She needs to be there for him, where others won't. She can accept Gamzee, murder and all, if that means it'll be easier on him.

That's what friends are for. ]


[4/4] lovingdream March 23 2011, 01:37:55 UTC
you okay?

are you hurt? or hungry?


[text using his audio to text thingy] 3dvi2iion March 23 2011, 01:50:05 UTC
[Doop doop hooking it up and all of that shit. Oh, hey. It's Gamzee. Welp.]

y0u're s0rry? really? h0w cliche if y0u ask me. y0u killed and injured a wh0le bunch 0f pe0ple and all y0u can say is s0rry? y0u kn0w, that really pisses me 0ff. i kn0w y0u're n0t that retarded, gamzee. y0u kn0w that this was wr0ng in s0 many levels. y0u fucking killed nepeta. y0u made kk kill y0u; which put him in a fucking mental state 0f insecurity. he was fucking s0bbing when i was talking t0 him. h0w c0uld y0u ever, ever expect me t0 f0rgive y0u just by saying s0rry? take y0ur head 0ut 0f y0ur fucking n00k gamzee.


[text] faygot March 23 2011, 02:18:37 UTC
... I'M NoT ExPeCtIn yOu tO FoRgIvE Me.


[text] 3dvi2iion March 23 2011, 02:35:04 UTC
g00d because i'm never g0ing t0. ever. at least y0u're n0t that dumb t0 think i actually w0uld. als0, d0n't even think ab0ut talking t0 nepeta anym0re. i d0n't want y0u anywhere near her.


[text] faygot March 23 2011, 02:39:35 UTC
JuSt gOnNa tElL HeR SoRrY
AnD ThEn i aIn't eVeR GoIn
To bE MoThErFuCkIn nEaR HeR I SwEaR.
Or yOu.
I AlReAdY GoT Me iN ThE PoSsEsSiOn oF HaViN AnOtHeR HiVe,
So yOu aIn't eVeR HaViN To sEe mE EvEr aGaIn.


[video] mauvesympathy March 23 2011, 03:50:31 UTC
[Wooo, guess who just finished reading all of those unfiltered replies?]

You were the one who killed Dave and threatened Rose and John?

[You have angered the mother duck.]


[Text] faygot March 23 2011, 12:45:04 UTC


[video forever 8|] mauvesympathy March 23 2011, 22:33:32 UTC

[A sigh. With how many people in his world do heelfaceturns, he's... pretty used to it. So the glare from before is replaced with an almost understanding -- if irritated -- look.]

If it happens again, you know I'll be coming after you.
You're going to have to make it up to everyone somehow, or they won't trust you.


[TEXTING YOU FOREVER SOUL] faygot March 23 2011, 23:20:05 UTC
YeAh, I KnOw. I'M TrYiN.
YoU AnY StRoNg, BrO?
CaUsE YoU BeSt bE BeLiEvIn mE WhEn i dOnE TeLl
ThAt iF ThAt sHiT GeTs iT HaPpEn oN AgAiN
I WaNt sOmEoNe tO StOp iT.
StOp tHe mOtHeRfUcKeRs iN My hEaD.
In aNy fUcKiN WaY.
So iF I LoSe mY ShIt aGaIn aNd sTaRt gOiNg rOuNd lIkE A FuCkIn lAuGhSaSsIn
Go fOr iT.


[text] made_of_time March 23 2011, 13:33:46 UTC
[Aradia... really isn't sure what to say here. She really, really wants to be able to just say "everything will be ok", but she's not so sure. She wants to at least try to be optimistic for him, though.]


its going to take a lot to get everyones trust back and itll take a while
but i think you can do it!
i still want to talk to you
even though im not sure how much i can help


[text] faygot March 23 2011, 13:45:32 UTC
HeY, sIs.
I AiN'T KnOwIn hOw mUcH YoU CaN Be hElPiN Me wItH ThIs sHiT EiThEr.
BuT YoU Is oNe oF SmArT MoThErFuCkEr
So mAyBe yOu cAn dOnE FiGuRe sOmEtHiNg oUt.
BuT EvEn iF YoU AiN'T AbLe tO AlL Up bE DoIn tHaT,
HaViN YoU StIlL GeT YoUr sPeAk oN WiTh mE
GeTs mE GlAd tOo.
AnD If yOuR HeArT Is aLl uP BeLiEvIn tHaT I CaN WiNg tHiS ShIt
I'M GoNnA Be tRyIn mY MoThErFuCkIn hArDeSt, YeAh?


[video] ironyloli March 24 2011, 03:59:16 UTC
[Jeanne's response takes some time as she considers this. The flood of death was a shock to her after months of being away from that. Yet here is an apology. For all intents and purposes, she should condemn him.

But that would be hypocritical.]

Gamzee, you needn't be- [A pause. No, she should speak simpler, shouldn't she?] It's okay. I promise it is. Death and killing are... difficult things.

However I know you are a kind person and as long as you can continue to expre-- want to fix what you have done wrong... I will help you as much as I can.


[text -- can plain text if you want] faygot March 25 2011, 12:56:30 UTC
HeY, lIl sIs.
YoU'Re bEiN A MiRaClE, yOu kNoW.
I'M FuCkIn sOrRy fOr wHaT I DiD
AnD If i dOnE GoT YoU ScArEd oF Me.
No wOrRiEs iF YoU ArE, yEaH.
CaUsE I'M BeIn iT ToO.


[video -- whatever's easiest for you. I don't mind either way <3] ironyloli March 26 2011, 04:08:49 UTC
A miracle...? [She seems a bit amused at that.] No, not at the moment, Gamzee.

I'm not scared of you. It would be silly and hypocritical of me if I were. I truly believe you are a good person, and like all persons, there may be an occasion where you lose control. I have undergone... something very similar.

Please do not beat yourself up over what happened.


[video -- whatever's easiest for you. I don't mind either way <3] faygot March 26 2011, 04:14:31 UTC
SoMe sHiT SiMiLaR?
If yOu iS WaNtIn wE CaN AlL LiKe gEt oUr sHaRe oN HeRe.
HaVe a lItTlE FuCkIn fEeLiNgS JaM.
YoU ArE BeIn mY HoMiE, yOu kNoW.
If yOu aRe aLl uP In tHe bUsInEsS Of hAvIn sOmE ShIt tO Be sHaRiN WiTh mE
I'Ll gEt mY MoThErFu-
RaInBoWs uNdErStAnDiNg oN FoR Ya.
If tHaT'D GeT YoU AlL ChIlL I MeAn.


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