I AiN'T GoT AnY OtHeR ShIt tO Be fRoNtIn
At yOu mOtHeRfUcKeRs eXcEpT
I'M ReAlLy fUcKiN SoRrY.
So mOtHeRfUcKiN SoRrY.
I DoNe uNdErStAnD If yOu mOtHeRfUcKeRs
AiN'T WaNtIn tO Be sPeAkIn tO Me aGaIn.
It's cOoL.
I'M GoNnA Be tRyIn mY FuCkInG HaRdEsT
To kEeP ThIs sHiT FrOm hApPeNiN AgAiN.
If yOu pEoPlE CaN DiG ThAt.
more locked apologies to Vriska, Tavros, Nepeta, Terezi and Karkat. Also lots of troll text and images. )
Comments 315
Gamzee-san. ...Are you alright?
I ThInK I WiLl bE.
I AiN'T ExAcTlY ThE OnE DeSeRvInG Of pItY RiGhT NoW.
[It's pretty automatic, that response, since it's something he really believes. And then he nods.]
It's good that you will be alright, though. ...Everyone else will be, as well, with some time.
No fOr mE.
BuT HeLl, My hOmIeS ShOuLdN'T HaVe tO Be wAnDeRiNg aRoUnD
BeInG AlL Up fUcKiN ScArEd oF AnYtHiNg.
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