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Comments 58

toreadorkabull December 3 2011, 07:16:32 UTC


faygot December 3 2011, 07:21:05 UTC
I WiSh mY AnCeStOr wErE DeAd.

[What, we are playing the wishing game, right?]


action, because seriously, they're in the same house stayb100ponyboy December 3 2011, 07:17:45 UTC
[Equius hasn't responded to the Grand Highblood's post, but he's seen it, and seen everyone freaking right the fuck out, and absconding sounds like about the best thing they can do right now.]

[So he finds Gamzee, and shoves down the way his stomach rolls seeing that smeared, messy makeup.]

[honk HONK motherFUCKER]

[NO! No, now is not the time for freakouts! He can do this, he's Darkleer's descendent, he can be brave and STRONG and push through it.]

I can carry Tavros, or RoboEquius can do it.


/whistles innocently aim_exorable December 3 2011, 07:22:27 UTC
[Guess who is promptly getting his shit together? Yeah, this guy.]

[Despite what his own shit flipping reaction was, Darkleer was a soldier before his exile. His chest might break from how hard his heart is beating in fear and panic, and his fingers randomly shake, but still.]

[Despite that, Darkleer is quick to pack almost everything up that he believes Gamzee, Equius, and even Tavros might need. It's lightning fast work of someone who is used to suddenly packing up and leaving an area without warning.]

[All the better so he can make his way to the pair as fast as possible. One hand on Gamzee's shoulder.]

Come. You need to get to the elevator, Gamzee. You and Equius and Nitram.

[He's using his first name and everything. That's how serious this is.]


faygot December 3 2011, 07:29:39 UTC
[He is just letting himself be nudged along, a make-up smeared mess and shaking harder than he ever has in his life. He wishes Karkat were here. He needs Karkat to be here cause if he is here he is safe and not possibly in the path of GHB somewhere.

He nods slightly in response to Equius, nudging open the door to Tavros' room. Normally he wouldn't mind being the one to carry his good bro, no matter how heavy his legs might be, but right now, he can't. He's stumbling on his own feet, let alone add a load to that.]


toreadorkabull December 3 2011, 07:32:34 UTC
-=clang clang clang CLANG CLANG. And suddenly HAPENS a one RoboEquius, carrying Tavros on his back. The brownblood is clinging awkwardly to the robot, trying not to slide off=-


tokinohime December 3 2011, 07:23:30 UTC
ill be one of the later ones to join you!
i want to make sure everyone gets out
but dont worry about me okay? :)


faygot December 3 2011, 07:34:41 UTC
StAy sAfE, aIgHt?
I AiN'T WaNt yOu tO GeT HuRt.


tokinohime December 3 2011, 07:36:56 UTC
ive got myself covered
you do the same!
promise i wont be too long


faygot December 3 2011, 08:07:40 UTC
PlEaSe dOn't dO NoThInG StUpId, SiStEr.
CaN'T HaNdLe tHaT MoThErFuCkEr.
DoN'T Do nOtHiNg sTuPiD PlEaSe pLeAsE PlEaSe.


yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 07:27:13 UTC
gam calm dowwn
wwhy the fuck are you flippin your shit
is it cuz a your ancestor is that wwhat this is
wwe can handle him gam no reason to fuckin panic

[Yeah ok, he's not as calm as he is trying to make himself seem. He understands and KNOWS what the indigo bloods are capable of, and what this might mean for Karkat...]


faygot December 3 2011, 07:38:47 UTC
We cAn't dEaL WiTh tHaT, bRo.
We fUcKiN CaN'T.
YoU EvEn aLl kNoW WhAt a mOtHeRfUcKiN GrAnD HiGhBlOoD CaN Do?


yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 07:59:24 UTC
im wwell cultured gam im vvery wwell awware a wwhat hes capable of
especially if youre anythin to go off of
but that doesnt mean wwe cant handle his chucklin ass
theres definitely more a us an instead a us runnin awway like scared grubs like he wwants us to do
wwe need to fuckin showw him wwe arent some pathetic scared little wwrigglers an wwere not takin his shit


faygot December 3 2011, 08:28:13 UTC
ThAt mOtHeRfUcKeR Is gOnNa lAy sO MaNy fUcKiN VoOdOoS On yOuR PaN
YoU AiN'T AlL GoNnA Be kNoWiNg wHaT Be uP AnD DoWn.
YoU EvEr aLl fUcKiN FeLt lIkE YoU DoNe wErE DrOwNiNg oN YoUr oWn fUcKiN FeAr?
It aIn't fUcKiN FuNnY, lEt mE TeLl.
SuBjUgGlAtOrS AiN'T GeT FuCkIn wEaKeR On tHeIr oWn.
MoThErFuCkErS GeT FuCkIn sTrOnGeR CaUsE ThEy kNoW ThEy aIn't gOtTa cArE AbOuT No oNe.
AlL ThEy gOtTa gEt tHeIr cArE On fOr iS CuLlInG.
AnD ThE FiRsT MoThErFuCkEr wHaT Is aLl gOnNa gEt cUlLeD
Is kArKaT.
YoU FuCkIn kNoW ThAt.


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[TEXT] faygot December 3 2011, 16:20:14 UTC
[oh god. oh god oh god oh god, it is karkat, he is safe, this is good.]

JuSt aLl hAdDa mAkE FuCkIn sUrE YoU WeRe fInE.
TaKe oVeR.
I CaN'T Do tHiS ShIt.

[No really, who the hell puts Gamzee in charge of all people. Even for a little while?]


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[TEXT] faygot December 3 2011, 16:34:16 UTC
DiD I Do oK?


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