Apr 27, 2023 12:00
- Wed, 13:41: I'm not saying to surround yourself with yes-folk and sycophants, because we know that leads to stagnation at best, but having people in your life who can say "you rock, but you could be EVEN BETTER if…" rather than people who make you feel small to make them feel big is VITAL.
- Wed, 18:46: WELP! I just submitted my #DYCP Grant
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Apr 24, 2023 12:00
- Mon, 09:37: RT @ allographica: NaPo23 Day 24 Inspo: With only a week to go, today’s challenge is to write a Mothra inspired by the random word generator…
- Mon, 10:44: "The test didn't work!" Actually, it did. The point of testing is to discover flaws so that you can fix them before the system is one you're reliant on in production.
Apr 21, 2023 12:00
- Thu, 18:59: You know that thing where you ask someone important for a favour and then you get back an relentless quantity of blush-inducingly nice remarks from them and that's where I am right now, so if you're looking to heat your home cheaply, just keep complimenting me, dammit.
- Fri, 09:37: RT @ allographica: NaPo23 Day 21 Inspo: Today’s
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