Title: The Stars Blindly Run, Chapter 2
Previous Chapters:
1Characters/Pairings: Anders, F!Hawke, Carver, Varric with eventual Hawke/Anders
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4657
Summary: Anders does not think that he will ever return to the Deep Roads, but, then, there are lot of things that he doesn't think he'll ever do again. In this chapter, the team
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Comments 12
This is so, so, so quintessentially Anders. Oh, my stupid blonde mage. ): *hugs him*
Personally, I'm content to wait a little longer for updates if it means there's more to read. :D
I like longer chapters rather than super short quick updates, personally. I'm a very quick reader, so I devour short posts in about three seconds (non-literally) and then feel a little let down. I should probably just learn to read more slowly. Hm.
Also, I didn't find the switch in Hawke/Ismat to be jarring.
Also-also: “Isn't it magical ice? Does it actually work like real ice?” Hee.
Some of the banter in this just sort of shows up out of nowhere. But! At least it all makes for some fun writing that isn't full of angst like my little oneshots!
And the first name thing isn't bothering me. It's *YOUR* Hawke and fic after all, do what you want! :D
I'm glad the characterizations are working! I was actually a bit worried about Varric's section, since I wasn't sure if it really captured what his thought process might be.
And Jerk!Carver is so much fun. I don't even know why!
Also, since it's your fic and I've already gushed about your arts, since I *knew* it was Ismat even without the name label, it wasn't jarring at all. So you had that in your favor as well.
And I echo the folks above: longer for updates is peachy if it means we can have longer chapters. I too am a quick reader, so I'd rather something I can sink my teeth into a bit.
Also: action scenes = muy bueno.
I figured something like this whole naming convention thing could work (in theory), but I wasn't sure if it would end up being too jarring. But it sounds like it isn't, so that is quite good! I figure that it will also work well in regards to the Anders/Hawke relationship and how that changes over time.
It's a bit odd to be writing action scenes that are sword and magic based again. I spent the past year or so writing original science fiction stuff, so it was all guns with the occasional fist fight.
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