Jun 17, 2007 23:38

If you know you will be out of town and you need an advance on a challenge, this is the place to come.

1.) Comment here with the dates you will be out of town and your email address.
2.) I will then email you the challenge in advance.
3.) When your entry is ready you need to comment to this post BEFORE YOU LEAVE TOWN!
4.) All regular rules apply. You should include the IMG and SRC tags when commenting.
4.) Your subject line should let me know which challenge you are entering. (for example, see the first comment)
5.) All comments will be screened here, just like it would be if you were entering the challenge.
6.) Make sure you do this right! Failure to do so could result in your elimination from the competition... I will get back to you if there are any problems.

NOTE: I will be emailing you from so you may want to add me to your contact list! (ie: if you have a high setting on your junk mail filter)

Please be sure to read the lims policies as well... If you have any questions reguarding your advance, just comment and I'll get back to you asap.
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