Reply to this post with the word ICONS! and I will pick six of your icons. - Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose - Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts - This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I need to get my life back on track. And start doing things. And feeling worthwhile. Not that I've been doing a great job of that all summer, but ever since I got home from Seattle I've mostly been lazy and nocturnal. I spend a lot of time flailing around feeling terribly sad about not being with the boy anymore...which, agh. I feel embarrassed to
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Like many people I know, I've recently found myself addicted to the blog "Hyperbole and a Half." I was up til 4 a.m reading through most of the archives, and I may have cracked a rib trying to keep from laughing loud enough to wake up the house.
It seemed very important to me that I make some sort of mix to sum up my semester, which has probably been the craziest time I've ever had in my life and has probably changed me more than any other experience I've had. But once I collected all the songs I wanted, I had far too much for one mix
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