Sign ups open tomorrow morning, but in the meantime, take a moment talk up your favourite pairings and fandoms. Get offers! Get fans! Get someone to at least watch/read/listen to the bloody thing!
Use the comment space on
livejournal or
dreamwidth, or make your bid on
tumblr and tag it "
Femslashex." I'll keep track and make a links list.
ALSO! Please consider adding your name to the
pinch hit list. All you have to do is join the group, and you'll get e-mails when we're looking for pinch hits. No obligation to claim anything, but if you want to, you can just reply to the e-mail or the notice on the group page.
Pinch hitting is a great way to help out, both because it's pinch hitters that make fests work and because if you're choosy you can pick over things before you claim them. I'm also a fan of pinch hit lists just because I like getting to see who asked for what and so on.