Just wanted you to know that I won't be posting to LiveJournal anymore. I'll probably still keep this account, I just won't be writing on here anymore.
I just don't see much of a point in blogging in so many places.
If you want to see want I've been up to, check out my website or MySpace pages.
If you haven't heard the buzz by now, I'll point you to Smartusa.com.
Miranda and I took some pictures of Sunday's event in Hyde Park, Tampa. Check them out in my Flickr Album...and if you're concerned about the safety of driving in such a small car, don't be. Odds are that if you drive a regular sized car, you're just as likely to be injured/
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In 2000, Sachiko Kodama began work on a ferrofluid art project that she named "Protrude, Flow". Ferrofluid is a very interesting material that was originally developed by NASA. It has now found itself being used for a whole range of devices. This Artwork is on display at the Patricia Faure Gallery at the Bergamot Station (Santa Monica,CA).
Well.... after listening to the 21 hour audiobook version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I must say that I really enjoyed it
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This woman brought $16,000 to try and buy all of the iPhones at a store in Dallas to sell them on eBay. She pays a guy $800 for his first spot in line. Once the AT&T store opens, she is told there is a limit to how many she can get! The guy walks away with free iPhone and LOADS of accessories!
A little while back, GM unveiled a new "hybrid" concept car called the Volt. ( linkUnlike most hybrids today that run mostly on gas and partially on electric, tis car will run almost entirely on electric, but only use a gas engine to recharge its batteries
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