pale_violets (no skip remaining)
easels (1 skip remaining)
+ Everybody is allowed to vote, you don't have to be a member of this community.
+ You vote for ONE lesser quality icon.
+ You have to vote based on the quality of the icons and not on your personal preference like: The font looks weird. I don't like the style. The icon looks boring...
+ Comment with reasons that might help icon makers to improve their skills like:
- It's a bad crop. Why? Are the person's eyes cut off? Is it too far away? Does it make the subject blurry? Is it too close to be able to tell what it is? What is it, specifically, that makes the crop bad?
- It's too plain. Why? Sometimes, less is more. Giving a vote of "it's too plain" will not be accepted... you need to explain why plain/simple is bad. Is the crop boring? Is the coloring dull? What is it, specifically, that the maker could have done to make it less plain?
- It's oversharpened or blurry. Why? Where? Everyone's monitors are different, so to some people the icon might not look blurry or oversharpened. Is the person's face blurry? Are the edges too sharp? What is it, specifically, about the icon that is too sharp or too blurry?
(taken from
Try to be as specific as you can (COMPLETE SENTENCES!).
+ You also have to vote for ONE favorite/better quality icon (no explanation needed, but encouraged).
+ Don't vote for yourself.
+ Comments will be screened.
+ Please use this voting form by replacing the #00's with the actual icon numbers:
LESSER QUALITY ICON#00 (- 1 point): Explanation needed.
FAVORITE ICON#00 (+ 1 point): No explanation needed, but encouraged.
(Negative and positive votes will be tallied.)
(Only one participant will be eliminated!)
Voting results will be up on Saturday (depending on the amount of votes).